Scooby-Doo Solves It with S.T.E.M.: Scooby-Doo! A Science of Electricity Mystery: The Mutant Crocodile

The Mutant Crocodile
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Published: September 2017
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Author: Megan Cooley Peterson
Illustrator: Christian Cornia

Product Category: Science / Science: Energy

Brand: Capstone Press
Series: Scooby-Doo Solves It with S.T.E.M.
Published By: Capstone
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Published: 01-Sep-2017
Format: Paperback, 32 pages
RRP: $12.99
ISBN: 9781515737025
Interest Level: 9-12
Reading Level: 9-10
Jinkies! What happened to that crocodile? Scooby-Doo and the gang are on a mission to find out what created the creepy crocodile ... and what the local power plant might have to do with it. Join their investigation using the science of electricity to find the shocking truth behind the mutant crocodile!

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