Cats Rule!: Cat Speak

Revealing Answers to the Strangest Cat Behaviours
Buy Cats Rule!: Cat Speak from Daintree Books


Published: February 2016
For Ages: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary
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Author: Maureen Webster

Product Category: Nature / Nature: Animals / Nature: Animals - Pets

Series: Cats Rule!
Published By: Raintree
Hi Res Cover Image
Published: 23-Feb-2016
Format: Hardback, 32 pages
RRP: $31.99
ISBN: 9781474712880
Cats have lived with humans for thousands of years, but some of their behaviours continue to puzzle us. Why do cats rub up against objects? Why do they knead their paws into your lap? Why do they sit in high places and why do they jump into cardboard boxes or open drawers? Get ready to demystify the most mysterious cat behaviours and gain a deeper understanding of our feline friends.

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